Beyond energy – monetising biomethane’s whole-system benefits
Biomethane is the cheapest and most scalable form of renewable gas available today. It
can directly substitute natural gas and is flexible as it can be readily stored and deployed
across the whole energy system, using existing gas infrastructure and end-use technologies
Moreover, biomethane is a dispatchable energy carrier and as such can be deployed to
balance intermittent renewable energy generation. It is well placed to deliver significant,
long-term economy-wide benefits beyond renewable energy provision, thereby supporting the
European Green Deal and the transition to a more sustainable and circular economy.
This study, undertaken by Guidehouse, has quantified the value of these benefits for a selection of sustainable feedstocks relevant for anaerobic digestion and thermal gasification biomethane production technologies. The reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, such as the recovery of biogenic CO2 during the production process, is a key value driver. Energy security, job creation and waste processing are also playing an increasingly significant role over the next few decades.